What's New @ Dewings?

COVID-19: Commercial Tenancies and the Code of Conduct

The full implementation of all the measures included in the Code is still being considered by the South Australian State Government, but in the meantime, a number of its 'good faith' principles have been given legislative authority in South Australia through the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020.

You can read the full version here.

Posted: May 07, 2020 | 0 comments

COVID-19 JobKeeper: Tax Office extends times to enrol and pay

Despite the significant upside, one of the enduring criticisms of JobKeeper since it was announced has been the short time-frame for businesses to assess and act to ensure compliance with the entitlement requirements. Recognising the unnecessarily onerous burden of two deadlines in particular, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has announced extensions to both the time to enrol for the scheme, and the time to complete top-up payments for employees (where required).

You can read the full version here.

Posted: April 30, 2020 | 0 comments

COVID-19 $10,000 State Government grant for small business

Under the South Australian State Government package, small businesses affected by the pandemic which employ people in South Australia can apply for a $10,000 grant to support their ongoing operations.

You can read the full version here.

Posted: April 21, 2020 | 0 comments

COVID-19 JobKeeper: Enrolments now open

If you're an employer that meets the eligibility criteria, you must apply for the payment in April to receive it in the first week of May. Further, you must also ensure that all eligible employees have received at least $1,500 per fortnight by the end of this month. That's not a lot of time!

You can read the full version here.

Posted: April 20, 2020 | 0 comments

COVID-19 JobKeeper: More information, uncertainty remains

The good news is that the legislation governing the new measures made it through Parliament on 8th April. The bad news is that it is little more than a framework that allows for the rules of the scheme to be developed and enforced by the Treasurer and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO), so that means the situation continues to evolve as the rules are developed and released.

You can read the full version here.

Posted: April 16, 2020 | 0 comments

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