2017-18 Federal Budget

Our approach to reviewing the Budget highlights each year has always been to focus on the impact for small-medium business owners. This year however, the way in which this Budget is received by people in business will really depend on their own outlook.

There's very little in the Budget of any consequence for business. If you're a glass half-full person, that may be a relief. For the first time in a long time, there's no changes in tax rates, the heretofore perennial undermining of retirement confidence has abated, and there are few other measures that might negatively affect business owners. If you're a glass half-empty person though, no news for business may well be bad news, with only minor assistance measures and no wider structural reform.

You can read our review here.

Posted: May 11, 2017 | 0 comments

Company tax rate cut - what does it mean for small business.....and the economy?

The Government has managed to get a modified version of its proposed cuts to the compay tax rate through the Senate. One element of the new measure will certainly be good for small to medium businesses, but the significance of the overall economic impact is a little more grey.

You can read the full details here.

Posted: May 11, 2017 | 0 comments