More COVID-19 financial relief announced for affected SA businesses
The South Australian State Government has announced further financial assistance for businesses that have experienced a significant decline as a result of ongoing COVID-19 restrictions. It comes on top of the $3,000 emergency payments announced during the recent state-wide lockdown.
The package will be jointly funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments and will consist of:
An additional $3,000 for employers and $1,000 for non-employing businesses that have experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more over a two week period as a result of trading restrictions introduced from 28th July 2021; and
An additional amount of $1,000 for businesses operating in the CBD, in recognition of the extra impact on city businesses of people working from home.
There is also a new grant of up to $25,000 available for organisers of eligible events that have been either cancelled or suffered a serious financial loss as a consequence of the July lockdown, or the restrictions that followed up to 4th August.
Applications for this new assistance will open 13th August and will close on 17th October 2021.
If you need any advice or assistance with this, or would like to discuss how the ongoing pandemic challenges are affecting your business, we're here to help. Please contact us.
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